Featured Products
Carbon 1k 18 Pipe Reel Seat Matt Black

Carbon 1k 18 Pipe Reel Seat Matt Black£24.00

Matt black lightweight and flexible reel seat in 1k woven carbon fibre.

American Tackle size 18 Black Reel Seat

American Tackle size 18 Black Reel Seat£7.92

American Tackle 18 pipe reel seat black (winch fitting), light and flexible. Suits most 12' Carp rods and shorter rods. Light nd flexible.

Ti forged air size 50 set Black Rod Guide

Ti forged air size 50 set Black Rod Guide£48.15

Ti Forged Air lightweight angled black fishing rod guide set size 50.

Alps ARD matt black reel seats 18

Alps ARD matt black reel seats 18£48.00

Alps ARD Waveform matt black reel seat in size 18

Kigan 3D Gunsmoke 50,40,30,25,20 carp set

Kigan 3D Gunsmoke 50,40,30,25,20 carp set£50.62

A 50mm Kigan 3d guide set for 12 and 13' carp rods.

Alps ARD gun smoke reel seats 18[1]

Alps ARD gun smoke reel seats 18[1]£48.00

Alps ARD Waveform matt black reel seat in size 18

Ti forged air size 50 Black Rod Guide

Ti forged air size 50 Black Rod Guide£13.50

Ti Forged Air lightweight angled black fishing rod guide size 50.

Harrison Black Beanie Hat

Harrison Black Beanie Hat£15.00

Harrison black beanies, one size fits all, ideal for autumn nights.

River City Tackle is owned by Harrison Rods. We are main distributors for American Tackle Blanks and components, Kigan rod guides and of course Harrison Blanks. You can buy components using this site, but for blanks, please phone us on 0151 709 5981 and talk to the guys who make them. We have been making blanks here in Liverpool for more than thirty years and have a wide range of premium blanks to offer. Ballista, Torrix, Acurix, Trebuchet, Lorhic and Aviator. You can find a downloadable list of Harrison blanks here www.harrisonrods.co.uk/PricelistBlanks2022Retail.pdf 

For a list of American Tackle Atrex Blanks, click on the "Rod Blanks" tab at the top of the page. 

You can find more information on Harrison Rods at www.harrisonrods.co.uk

Trade enquiries welcome to info@harrisonrods.co.uk